Kirklees Conservative Leader David Hall, has put pressure on the Labour cabinet to review the Local Plan adopted in 2019. The plan, pushed through by Labour, allowed for the building of over 30,000 houses in the borough, which involves the release of hundreds of acres of green belt for building.
In a written question at the full council meeting in July, Cllr Hall pointed out that the results of the recently-published census show that the population in Kirklees in 2021 was 16,000 lower than that assumed used in the Local Plan.
Discussing the Local Plan, Cllr Hall said;
This calls into question the assumptions used for the Kirklees population, and therefore the need for 30,000 houses,
By legislation, Kirklees must review the Local Plan before February 2024.
We want that done ASAP, as it may afford us the opportunity to reinstate much of the green belt which was designated for housing.
Further reading in the Examiner Live,